I went into medicine with the simple idea of helping others achieve a high quality life through improving a person’s health. I choose anesthesiology because it is a field that allows me to care for patients of all ages and health status in an acute environment where I am able to have a significant impact in a short period of time.
Family, Hunting, Fishing, Sports
Suchy, Y., Gold, A., Biechler, R., & Osmon, D.C. (2003, October). Set maintenance and switching differences in college students with inattentive and impulsive features. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 18, 7, 765-766.
Suchy, Y., Biechler, R., Bush, S., & Osmon, D.C. (2003, October). Switching costs as a function of stimulus domain and switch type. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 18, 7, 764-765.
Uherick, L., Gorelick, M.H., Biechler, R., & Brixey, S.N. (2010). Validation of two child passenger safety questionnaires. Injury Prevention, 16, 343-347.
Olivia Mac, Robert Biechler, MD, Thomas Ebert, MD, Arthur Derse, MD, JD, Bambi Wessel - Fast Fact#33: Peri-operative managment of Do-Not-Resuscitate orders in the state of Wisconsin. May, 2013
Pagel, PS., Biechler, RA., Hossein Almassi G. (2013 April). The Ascending Thoracic Aorta Stages a Vanishing Act? Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia